Every product can be returned in 14 days after delivery date. Uyart accept the returned products. Shipping cost of returned products is belonging to the buyer. Uyart is not responsible for any custom taxes.
In the case of not be paid customs taxes,  the returning procedure of the products can not be complated. You can not have the price of the product back.

Money returning can be accomplished in 7 busines days after the customer returned the product paying customs and other expenses. Returning money is minus 15 %  of the price of the product. (For example: When you return a product with 100 $ cost you can have 85 $ back.)
For the high shipping costs, 15 % deduction is applied. And returning of the money is done by paypal.

Please contact us before the returning procedure of the products.
Please send and e-mail containing order number and your demands. Our support team contact you in 24 hours.
